Florida Association of City Clerks 

Promoting and Developing the Educational and Professional Status of Florida City Clerks

Summer Conference and Academy Host Committee Timelines

  • Attend FACC Board Meeting.
  • Organization meeting of committee to establish timeline.
  • Attend FACC Board Meeting.
  • Attend FACC Board Meeting.
  • Attend FACC Board meeting, held during the Fall Academy. 
  • Attend FACC Board Meeting.
  • Attend FACC Board Meeting.
  • Attend FACC Board Meeting.
  • Attend FACC Board Meeting.
  • Attend FACC Board Meeting.
  • Attend FACC Board meeting.
  • Submit list of active committee members to FACC staff.
  • Prepare and submit Manual revisions recommendations to Manual Revisions Committee Chair (if needed).
  • Forward information on Opening Ceremony participants to FACC staff.
  • Confirm with FACC staff that a room will be available for assembling, set up and storage of welcome bags and door prizes.
  • Summer Conference and Academy
    • Attend in-person FACC Board Meeting, held during the annual Summer Conference and Academy. 
    • Attend FACC Annual Business Meeting Luncheon, held during the annual Summer Conference and Academy.
Pre-Summer Conference and Academy Preparation:
  • Volunteers should arrive at the Summer Conference and Academy site on Saturday or Sunday to stuff the welcome bags with the city treasures. Coordinate with FACC staff.



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301 South Bronough Street, Suite 300, Tallahassee, FL 32302, (850) 222-9684 Fax (850) 222-3806