Florida Association of City Clerks 

Promoting and Developing the Educational and Professional Status of Florida City Clerks

Nominating Committee Responsibilities

Immediately following the deadline for submittal of nomination forms, the committee shall review the nominations to insure compliance with the by-laws and nominate all qualified candidates for each Board position except for the positions of president and president-elect, which shall automatically be filled by the president-elect and vice president, respectively.

The Nominating Committee members are appointed by the president and shall consist of one member from each of the seven geographic districts, with the immediate past president serving as the chair of the committee.


Meeting Frequency

As needed; meetings may be accomplished by e-mail.


In-kind time, travel and correspondence of chair and members should be incorporated into the respective city budgets.


Statement of Accessibility

The Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC) is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website. To report an accessibility issue, request accessibility assistance regarding our website content, or to request a specific electronic format, please complete our Accessibility Feedback Form. We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate all needs.

301 South Bronough Street, Suite 300, Tallahassee, FL 32302, (850) 222-9684 Fax (850) 222-3806