Summer Conference and Academy Host Committee Chair ResponsibilitiesLetter of Support Before accepting the position of committee chair, the member shall provide a letter of support from his or her city to the FACC president. Committee Coordination The chair serves as a coordinator and overseer of the committee, acting as a liaison between the committee and the Board of Directors. The chair should make sure that all committee members understand their duties and the role they play in accomplishing their goals. Shortly after appointment, the chair should begin to organize the members and establish a meeting calendar including proposed timeframes. The chair should be available to answer questions from committee and Board members during their term. FACC Board Meetings The chair should plan on attending all of the FACC Board meetings. When a required report is due, the committee chair will prepare an agenda item for inclusion in the Board agenda packets; if there has not been any committee activity and a report is not warranted, the chair shall send an email to FACC staff notifying them an agenda item is not being submitted. Committee Appointments
The president of FACC will send the list of appointees to the committee chair each year. The committee chair will contact the members of the committee. The chair must document those committee members that remained active and sufficiently participated during the year. This information needs to be sent to FACC staff at the end of the year. FACC staff will then forward the Certificate of Committee Accomplishment to those members who actively served. Manual Review
The chair should review the FACC Committee Duties and Responsibilities (located on the FACC website) pertaining to their committee each year and forward inconsistencies and recommended changes to the By-Laws/Manual Revisions Committee Chair. Statement of Accessibility The Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC) is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website. To report an accessibility issue, request accessibility assistance regarding our website content, or to request a specific electronic format, please complete our Accessibility Feedback Form. We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate all needs. |