Florida Association of City Clerks 

Promoting and Developing the Educational and Professional Status of Florida City Clerks

Awards & Scholarships Committee

It shall be the duty of this committee to outline and update the criteria, application and nomination forms for the issuance of scholarships and awards to member clerks for attendance at the Summer Conference and Academy, Fall Academy and the Annual IIMC Conferences. This committee shall review all applications and make recommendations to the Board for final approval at its February or March board meeting as to who shall receive said scholarships.

For more information on committee responsibilities and timelines, click the links on the left-hand menu.

2024-2025 Committee Chair:
Sharon Lauther, MMC
City Clerk, City of Haines City
2024-2025 Committee Members:
  • Toni Cone, CMC, FCRM, Records Manager/Deputy City Clerk, City of Venice
  • Kaley Cook, CMC, City Clerk, City of Palm Coast
  • Allison Duran, Executive Assistant, City of Naples
  • Suling A. Lucas, CMC, Deputy City Clerk, City of Tampa
  • Jessenia Monge, MPA, CMC, Records Coordinator, Town of Cutler Bay

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301 South Bronough Street, Suite 300, Tallahassee, FL 32302, (850) 222-9684 Fax (850) 222-3806