FACC Make-Up Mini Fall Academy (MMFA), Orlando
January 6-7, 2025
The Florida Hotel & Conference Center
1500 Sand Lake Road
Orlando, FL 32809
Program Book
Ideas to Action (ITA) Forms
All ITA forms must be emailed to Amy Brewer at abrewer@fsu.edu no later than Monday, January 27, 2025, by 5:00 p.m.
First-Year: Click here to download the ITA forms.
Second/Third-Year: Click here to download the ITA forms.
MMC/Advanced: Click here to download the ITA forms.
You cannot earn IIMC credit for hours attended unless you complete each session’s ITA form. Certificates will be sent electronically within six to eight weeks after the conference. Completed ITA forms will not be returned unless specifically requested; please keep a copy for your records. For more information, contact Amy Brewer at The John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government, email abrewer@fsu.edu.
First Year
- Municipal Clerk 101 & 102 - 1 Handout
- Elections Management (Basic) - 2 Handouts (Presentation Slides & Exhibits)
- Structure & Function of Local Government - 1 Handout
Second/Third Year
- Speaking with Confidence - 1 Handout
- Parliamentary Procedures – 1 Handout
- Effective Business Writing - 1 Handout
- Emotional Intelligence & Strategic Communication - 1 Handout
- Developing Next Generation of Leaders - 1 Handout
- Presenting Well Master Class – 1 Handout
- The Clerk as Historian - 2 Handouts: Handout 1 Handout 2
- Succession Planning - 1 Handout
FACC Members $175
Nonmembers $225
NOTE: This event is being held in conjunction with the 2025 IIMC Region III Conference (January 8-10, 2025) at the same hotel.
Our hope is that you will attend the MMFA and the 2025 IIMC Region III Conference. Florida only hosts the IIMC Region III Conference every five years; this conference is where you can expand your Clerk/Peer networking with Clerks from other states, and also have access to exceptional trainings that are unique to only this conference. The cost for the 2025 IIMC Region III Conference is $400 for early registration. To register for the 2025 IIMC Region III Conference, click here.
Questions? Contact facc@flcities.com.
Education Points/Hours
If you attend the MMFA, you can earn up to 8 CMC or MMC education points, and if you attend the 2025 IIMC Region III Conference, you can earn up to 6 CMC/MMC education points. However, if you attend both events, you can earn up to 14 CMC or MMC education points.
NOTE: The MMFA First-Year and Second-/Third-Year sessions equal 4 CMC hours each; MMC/Advanced sessions equal 4 MMC hours. The IIMC Region III sessions equal 1.5 and 3 CMC/MMC hours (i.e., 3 CMC/MMC hours for the two joint sessions on Wednesday and Friday and 1.5 CMC/MMC hours for the breakouts on Thursday).
If you have any questions regarding which CMC track (First-Year or Second-/Third-Year) you should attend for the MMFA, please contact Amy Brewer, Education Coordinator, Florida Institute of Government, at abrewer@fsu.edu or 850.645.6700.
Hotel Information
Our room block is sold out at the host hotel. We apologize for the inconvenience. Click here to download a list of alternate hotels in the area.
Room Rate: $179/night plus a $10/night service charge.
The Florida Hotel & Conference Center will serve as the host hotel. The address is 1500 Sand Lake Road, Orlando, FL 32809. The group rate is $179/night plus a $10/night service charge. Self-parking is complimentary. Hotel check-in time is 4:00 p.m. ET. Check-out time is 11:00 a.m. ET. If you are interested in a late checkout, please make arrangements directly with the hotel.
The deadline to make your hotel reservation is December 10. However, the room block may be filled before that date, so make your reservations as soon as possible. It is important to register for the conference early so you have plenty of time to make your reservations. To protect our room block for registrants, it is our policy that housing information is released only upon payment of registration. Once your registration is paid, you will receive an email containing a code to make your reservation. NOTE: IF YOU MAKE YOUR HOTEL RESERVATION OUTSIDE OF OUR ROOM BLOCK, YOUR ROOM IS NOT PROTECTED, AND IF THE HOTEL BECOMES FULL, THE HOTEL COULD POSSIBLY MOVE YOU TO A DIFFERENT HOTEL.
Regarding Hotel Reservations: After you register for the MMFA, you will receive the hotel reservation link in your confirmation email for the host hotel. If you will be attending both the MMFA and the Region III Conference, please factor that into the dates of your reservation (MMFA is January 6-7 and 2025 IIMC Region III Conference is January 8-10).
Cancellations must be in writing and emailed to mmontgomery@flcities.com. All cancellations received by 5:00 p.m., Friday, December 13, will be entitled to a refund less a $50 administration fee. Prepaid registrants who have not canceled by this date will be included in the advance registration guarantee required by the hotel and are not eligible for a refund. Substitutions may be made at any time with advance notification.
Statement of Accessibility
The Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC) is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website. To report an accessibility issue, request accessibility assistance regarding our website content, or to request a specific electronic format, please complete our Accessibility Feedback Form. We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate all needs.