Florida Association of City Clerks 

Promoting and Developing the Educational and Professional Status of Florida City Clerks


FACC offers four scholarships annually to members:

  • FACC Fall Academy Kay O'Halloran Memorial Scholarship
  • FACC Summer Conference and Academy Scholarship
  • FACC Dale Barstow Annual Scholarship
  • FACC - IIMC Annual Conference Scholarship

Click on the links below to read about each scholarship.

Click here to read how the committee rates the scholarship applications

Scholarship amounts are based on the event and the criteria for each vary.

All applications should be returned by January 30, 2025 to the FACC Staff at facc@flcities.com 



FACC Fall Academy Kay O'Halloran Memorial Scholarship


FACC Summer Conference and Academy Scholarship


FACC Dale Barstow Annual Scholarship


FACC - IIMC Annual Conference Scholarship


International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC) Scholarships

Please note: these scholarships are offered through IIMC, not FACC. 
The Municipal Clerks Education Foundation was created in 1984 to raise funds for IIMC. These funds are used to promote, train and educate Municipal Clerks to make them proficient in the services they provide for the citizens of their community. One of the many ways MCEF helps IIMC members is through education scholarships. Visit the IIMC website for more information on available Scholarships and Grants.


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The Florida Association of City Clerks (FACC) is committed to ensuring accessibility of its website. To report an accessibility issue, request accessibility assistance regarding our website content, or to request a specific electronic format, please complete our Accessibility Feedback Form. We will make reasonable efforts to accommodate all needs.


301 South Bronough Street, Suite 300, Tallahassee, FL 32302, (850) 222-9684 Fax (850) 222-3806