Florida Association of City Clerks 

Promoting and Developing the Educational and Professional Status of Florida City Clerks

Clerk of the Year Award

The purpose of the Clerk of the Year Award is to honor an FACC member whose accomplishments have made a significant contribution in raising the professional status, image or education of the municipal clerk profession. Areas of contributions or service include leadership roles in their profession and/or community; innovation through unique initiative to enhance their municipality, profession or community; community relations to include involvement in civic, charitable and church organizations; and involvement in the professional association to include contributions made for the betterment of the FACC.

Download Nomination Form

All nomination forms should be returned by March 31 to the FACC Administrative Office facc@flcities.com 


2023-2024 Clerk of the Year Award Winner

Linda S. Hansell CMC, City Clerk, City of Kissimmee
Pictured left to right: City Clerk Linda S. Hansell, CMC, City of Kissimmee, was presented the award by FACC 2023-2024 President City Clerk Angie Guy, MMC, City of Dade City. 


Clerk of the Year Award Winners


2022-2023 - Stacey Johnston, MMC

2021-2022 - Lakisha Q. Burch, MSL, MMC

2020-2021 - Dana L.S. Williams, MMC

2019-2020 - Debra R. Buff, MMC

2018-2019 - Russell Muñiz, MPA, MMC

2017-2018 - Cheryl Mooney, MMC

2016-2017 - Bea Meeks, MMC, CPM, CBTO

2015-2016 - No Recipient

2014-2015 - No Recipient

2013-2014 - Patricia J. Burke, MPA, MMC

2012-2013 - Julie Hennessy, MMC

2011-2012 - Audrey Sikes, MMC

2010-2011 - Lori McWilliams, MMC

2009-2010 - Guido H. Inguanzo, Jr., CMC

2008-2009 - No Recipient

2007-2008 - Jackie Lawhon, MMC

2006-2007 - Tammy Bursick, MMC

2005-2006 - Pamela Smith, MMC



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