Florida Association of City Clerks 

Promoting and Developing the Educational and Professional Status of Florida City Clerks

Auction and 50-50 Drawing Committee

The purpose of the FACC Silent Auction is to raise money for the organization. Funds raised are placed into the general account and used as deemed necessary.

The purpose of the FACC Purses with a Purpose Silent Auction is to raise money for the association, with 50% (or $100 whichever is greater amount) of proceeds are donated to a charity designated annual by the Board of Directors. The remaining funds are placed into the Florida Education Fund (FEF) and used as deemed necessary.

The purpose of the 50/50 drawing is to raise money for the organization. Funds raised are placed into the FACC general account and used as deemed necessary.

The Auction and 50-50 Drawing Committee handles all details of the auctions and drawings, including, but not limited to, solicitation of auction items; selling of 50-50 tickets; set-up of auctions; staffing of auctions; and coordination of all activities with FACC staff.

The Committee should refer to the FACC policies for exact instructions on management of FACC silent auctions and 50/50 drawings.

2024-2025 Committee Chair
Anna M. Hicks, CMC, CGSP
Deputy City Clerk, City of Sanibel
2024-2025 Committee Members:
  • Kelly Churney, Acting Town Clerk, Town of Palm Beach
  • Shayla S. Ellis, MPA, CMC, FCRM, Deputy City Clerk, City of Lake Worth Beach
  • Sherry D. Henderson, CMC, Town Clerk, Town of Hillsboro Beach
  • LaRhonda McBride, Village Clerk, Village of Indiantown
  • Matthew Powell, Assistant City Clerk, City of North Port
  • LeAnne Williams, MMC, FCRM, Deputy City Clerk, City of Alachua


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301 South Bronough Street, Suite 300, Tallahassee, FL 32302, (850) 222-9684 Fax (850) 222-3806