Florida Association of City Clerks 

Promoting and Developing the Educational and Professional Status of Florida City Clerks

Robert N. Clark Memorial Award


The purpose of the Robert N. Clark Memorial Award is to commemorate the founder of the FACC and recognize and honor a municipal clerk who has significantly promoted and advanced the ideas and goals of their profession by actively participating in the improvements of municipal government in the state and local community. This award was established in 1988. 

All nomination forms should be returned by March 31 to the FACC Administrative Office facc@flcities.com 



2023-2024 Robert N. Clark Memorial Award Winner


City Clerk Vanessa Joseph, Esq, MMC, City of North Miami, won the 2024 Robert N. Clark Memorial Award. 
Pictured left to right: FACC 2023-2024 President City Clerk Angie Guy, MMC, City of Dade City, presented the award to City Clerk Vanessa Joseph, Esq, MMC, City of North Miami. 


Robert N. Clark Memorial Award Winners

2022-2023 - Omichele Nattiel-Williams, CMC
2021-2022 - Gwen Peirce, MPA, CMC
2020-2021 - Lori McWilliams, MPA, MMC
2019-2020 - Elizabeth Garcia-Beckford, MMC
2018-2019 - Chevelle D. Nubin, MMC 
2017-2018 - No Winner 
2016-2017 - Angie Guy, CMC 
2015-2016 - Patricia Rambosk, MMC 
2014-2015 - Tammy Vock, MMC
2013-2014 - Maria Waldrop, MMC 
2012-2013 - Pamela Smith, MMC 
2011-2012 - Loredana Kalaghchy, MMC 
2010-2011 - Lisa (Burns) Small, MMC 
2009-2010 - Teresa Soroka, MMC 
2008-2009 - Barbara McDaniel, MMC 
2007-2008 - Lori Stelzer, MMC
2004-2005 - Gwen Azama-Edwards, MMC
2003-2004 - Fay W. Craig, CMC
2002-2003 - Georgia H. Ireland, CMC
2001-2002 - Patrizia L. Arends, CMC
2000-2001 - Donna Williams, CMC
1999-2000 - Billy Robinson, CMC
1998-1999 - Kathyrn M. O’Halloran CMC/AAE
1997-1998 - Patricia A. Jones, CMC/AAE
1996-1997 - Virginia K. Walker, CMC/AAE
1995-1996 - Grace Chewning, CMC
1994-1995 - Frances Henriques, CMC
1993-1994 - Donna R. Archer, CMC/AAE
1992-1993 - Zella M. Gaston, CMC/AAE
1991-1992 - Sandra Woodall, CMC/AAE
1990-1991 - Janet Cason, CMC/AAE
1989-1990 - June Boglioli, CMC/AAE
1988-1989 - Muriel Rickard, CMC/AAE


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