Florida Association of City Clerks 

Promoting and Developing the Educational and Professional Status of Florida City Clerks

Fall Academy Host Committee, 2024

The Fall Academy Host Committee shall act as the local host during the annual Fall Academy under the direction and approval of the Board of Directors.

The committee works closely with the FACC staff. Members of the committee are appointed by the president, serve a one-year term, and usually represent the general area in which the Fall Academy is held. 

The committee should begin planning and making arrangements as soon as possible following appointment of the committee members and the chair. Many aspects of the Fall Academy, such as contracts and reservations for the various functions are coordinated by the FACC staff and must receive the Board’s approval. 

For more information on committee responsibilities and timelines, click the links on the left-hand menu.
2024-2025 Committee Chair
Tammy L. Stanzione, CMC
Deputy City Clerk, City of Boynton Beach
2024-2025 Committee Members:
  • Diane L. Amendola, CMC, Assistant Deputy City Clerk, City of Alachua
  • Heather Bradman, CMC, Deputy City Clerk, City of Lakeland
  • Stephanie A. Gjessing, Assistant Deputy Clerk, Town of Ponce Inlet
  • Stephanie Herdocia, CMC, City Clerk, City of Orlando
  • Jocelyn B. Koch, CMC, Village Clerk, Village of Key Biscayne
  • Taylor Lochert, Assistant City Clerk, City of Ormond Beach
  • Cathy LoTempio, CMC, Deputy City Clerk, City of Sanford


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301 South Bronough Street, Suite 300, Tallahassee, FL 32302, (850) 222-9684 Fax (850) 222-3806